Remote control using the Canon Camera Connect app

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The Canon Camera Connect app enables you to control your camera from a mobile device and to download images stored on the memory card so that you can quickly and easily share them. Here are some tips to help you make the most of it.

Before you connect your camera and mobile device, download the Canon Camera Connect app from App store or Google Play.

Remote control

Screengrabs from Camera Connect app showing different settings you can adjust.

Touch ‘Remote Live View Shooting’ in the Canon Camera Connect app and you’ll be able to operate the camera as if you were using the camera’s rear display – although not all of the app’s functions are available with every camera.

As well as being able to take a photo by touching the large on-screen button, you can tell the camera where to focus by touching the display, adjust settings such as aperture, shutter speed, ISO and white balance, and make images brighter or darker using exposure compensation. Simply touch the setting you want to change and scroll left or right to adjust it.

If the camera that you’re using supports Bluetooth low energy, use Bluetooth connection. The reason for this is that the camera and mobile device will remain connected at all times if they are within range of each other, and this enables you to quickly start remote shooting once the Canon Camera Connect app is launched.

Sharper shots

Screengrabs from Camera Connect app showing manual focus functionality.

A tripod can be useful for keeping your camera stationary during a long exposure or when you’re using a macro or telephoto lens, where even the smallest camera movements can lead to blurred photos. But a tripod doesn’t guarantee that you’ll get sharp results, because simply pressing the camera’s shutter release can create vibrations. Triggering the camera remotely using the Canon Camera Connect app solves this problem.

You can double-tap the image on your mobile device to check that the lens is focused on the correct detail, and you can even adjust the focus manually via the app if your model supports this feature. Instead of setting MF on the lens or camera, simply touch the MF icon on your mobile device’s display and tap the arrows to adjust the focus position. The greater the number of arrows, the larger the degree of adjustment.

The app can also make a good choice for short time-lapse sequences. Controlling the camera and reviewing images via the app means that you don’t need to touch the camera and risk moving it out of position during the sequence.

Shooting from a distance

Set the camera setting from the Camera connect app with a distance

Another advantage of shooting remotely using the Canon Camera Connect app is that you don’t have to be behind the camera to take the shot. Not only does this make it easier to compose self-portraits and group photos that include you, but it also opens up the possibility of photographing animals and birds that would normally be frightened if you approach them.

Try it out on the wildlife in your garden before you head further afield: set up your camera on a tripod, making sure it’s protected against the elements, then retire to the comfort of your house and wait for subjects to arrive. Being able to change the camera settings from your mobile device means that you can wait for the right photo opportunity, and increase the ISO or set a larger aperture as light levels drop.

Creative angles

Screengrabs from Camera Connect app showing transferred images and rating functionality.

A camera that has a Vari-angle screen makes it easy to take photos from unusual angles, such as from above a crowd or close to the ground. But the Canon Camera Connect app opens up even more creative possibilities, particularly for those cameras that are equipped with a fixed rear display.

For instance, getting to eye-level with wildlife makes for more intimate portraits of birds and animals, so try concealing the camera close to the ground. Set a large aperture such as f/4 and position the camera so that it’s close to grass or foliage to create a soft, natural frame.

Sharing images

Review the images on the Camera connect app and share the images on your mobile device

The Canon Camera Connect app enables you to remotely review the images on the memory card in your camera. Touch a thumbnail to display a full image, then double-tap or pinch-zoom the display of your mobile device to magnify details and check they are sharp.

Rating the images can save you time when it comes to editing your pictures later. It's quick to do that via the app – simply touch the star symbol at the bottom of the app screen, then select the rating. Swipe the display left or right to continue reviewing and rating your other pictures. Later, when you open your images in Digital Photo Professional, you can use the ‘Sort’ drop-down to filter your pictures by their rating, allowing you to quickly start work on your favourite shots.

If you want to save a copy of your image to your mobile device, you can do that too. Some cameras transfer images automatically as they are taken. Images are saved as JPEG copies by default, even if you shoot RAW, which allows you to quickly share them via email, message or your preferred social network. If you took an image in RAW format, you can choose to download it as either JPEG or RAW (CR2 and CR3 formats are supported). To do that, press the cogwheel icon in the top corner to reveal your options.

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